Do us a huge favor and share this post with everyone you know on a regular basis, in hopes that it provides people with a safe haven to anonymously post anything in the comments that they would like us to pray with them and for them about.
#prayforastranger is what we like to call a lifetime campaign, that we will be carrying on forever.
Remember some of the great values of humanity like kindness, love, and gratitude......let's all be kind to a stranger today and give to them something that would cost us nothing, "A word of prayer."
Don't be shy, comment below what you would like for us to help you pray for, or pray for you and we will.
Remember "United we stand, but divided we fall."
To all interested in using their online influence to do some good, we invite you to join the lifetime campaign #Prayforastranger. The idea is that you do not have to know someone in order to pray for them and wish for them what they wish for themselves. No one has to do it alone.