Monday, January 23, 2017

How to manifest your ideal love life?

Love is the most discussed, sort after, despised, controversial aspect of life in the entire world. Everyone wants it on some level, everyone has been scorned by it on some level, and yet still it lives on from generation to generation.

It takes a while for some people to get it right, but when they do I'm sure they will concur that the type of love life you end up having has a lot to do with manifestation. What lives in your mind about the person you are with and the love that you think you have is the reality of what you will end up living. Therefore, if in your mind, you are focused on the great things about the person you love, you will find that you will get more great things to love about them with everyday that passes by. By no means is anyone saying to ignore the bad here, but what we are saying is to not dwell on it, that being said, if the bad is a deal breaker for you, please end it.

Here are some tips on how to best manifest your ideal love into your life: 

Step 1). Visualize it!

Step 2). Feel every touch, every happy emotion etc...

Step 3). Find ways to intensify those feelings, every time you 
visualize. This could be done many ways, one of which is through music. Use the sounds that help you to feel love on an intense level, where you can almost taste the words.

Sit back and watch that person walk into your life and sweep you off your feet! Your welcome...!

If you have any experience with this that would help someone else please feel free to share it with us, Cheers.

How to manifest your dream home.

For most people, we have very specific things that we would like to manifest in to our lives. In this article we are going to discuss how to manifest a luxury home into your life. Now, you may think that this is all wishful thinking and that if it were that easy then everyone would be doing it -but it really is that simple. The length of time you have to wait to receive that which you desire most is different for everyone, but the outcome is the same. Now, we hope that you keep reading -if only for curiosities sake...

Steps to manifesting your dream home: 

Step 1). Be clear in vision on what type of home you desire to have.

Step 2). Gather some examples from magazines or the internet of what best matches up to your vision.

Step 3).
Make a collage of all the images both a digital as well as a hard copy of it, place the collage everywhere; on your computer home screen, on your phone home screen, on your walls, in your car and wallet and at work. 

Step 4). Using 5 minutes out of every hour of the day, start visualizing living in that home of your dreams, form a story line about it and attach it to the home of your dreams, live that reality in your mind day and night.

Step 5). Continue to work and earn, doing everything that you have always done to make money, while keeping your third eye open to new opportunities that would allow you to afford your dream home.

Now as we mentioned earlier, the turnaround time for each person is different, and this is simply based on the depth of desire that varies from person to person. As the millennials say these days, YOU HAVE TO WANT IT! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The ultimate secret to manifestation: A clear mind!

Now the title of this article may have some people confused. How can I clear my mind if in order to manifest what I desire most I need to think about it. Isn't that contradicting? Let us explain....

Manifestation requires a disciplined and positive mind and atmosphere along with positive emotions. Yes, you have to think about what you desire most, yes, you have to feel about what you desire most, however, this should only take place for about 5-10 minutes everyday in thought, while you spend the entire day feeling happy and doing positive things to maintain a feeling of joy and gratitude inside. 

So what do you do with your mind for the other 90-95% of the day. You keep your mind as free and clear as possible. 

"To the uncluttered mind, the universe surrenders." Keeping your mind clear, gives the universe the space in which it need to manifest your reality. In a world in which there are countless distractions everywhere, and where every thought and thing is designed to conjure up feelings that will inevitably keep you away from attracting into your life all the things that you truly desire. This is a fool proof way of ensuring that you do not fall prey to the way the world controls everyone, and more importantly ensure that you manifest your desires.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Visualization 101

Essentially, visualization is what happens when you master the art of focusing the mind on what you want and holding onto that image for a long period of time.

In order to manifest exactly what you want, this is one of the first most important steps. Visualization can get hard for those with ADHD, but can be done by anyone who has at least five minutes to spear everyday. 

Steps to perfect visualization are as follows:- 

  • If you are not clear on what you want, write it down and if you need to, get pictures to accompany it, this would make it easier for you to be precise when visualizing.
  • Next create a clear mental picture of what you want, close your eye and see it as though it is within your possession. 
  • Holding the mental picture of your desire in your head, create the reality that you desire most, imagine yourself utilizing your desire, while you are doing so conjure up the same feelings inside that you would have had if the object, or per son were to be yours, feel the joy and the happiness it would bring, while you imagine yourself holding and using whatever it is that you desire most.
While visualization is predominantly and imaginative process, it is important to feel as though you have already received the thing that you desire most, it is imperative that you trick your minds eye as well as your emotions into thinking that you have already gained possession of what you desire most. Do this frequently on a daily basis and you will be well on your way to having the life that you only ever imagined for yourself.