This is much easier said than done. Why? because thoughts are manipulated from day one. That's right from the time we are born we are confronted with a barrage of things that are designed to tell us how to act, feel, think and everything. Thus making it increasingly difficult as time goes and we get older to have a grasp of our thoughts. Most people become mindless robots doing what they are told while having some random opinions here and there.
For the ones who dear to stop and think, they find themselves pushing the limits, asking the questions that others are scared to ask and eventually doing legendary things- "Because folks- the grass is greener on the other side of prorogrammed thought!" - #wealthandthelawofattraction
So, the question now is, how do you do the same, people who dear to think, dear to do! But, it all begins with thought. You are what you "do", but life will be what you "think".
Step one: Undo the programmed way of thinking.
Start by choosing a certain time (at least an hour) everyday to tap out. No music, no television, no gadgets, no people- (yes, no people)- just you! Find a remote place and be with yourself. At first, an influx of thought will come racing into your mind, even accompanied by it's own music, that's normal...just take deep breaths and allow your mind to realize that there are no distractions, no reason to be alert for whats next...allow it to just be. Think of this as a form of meditation.
To be continued.........
......So, why does this change? and how do we get back in touch with the power that the universe gave us from birth. Stay tuned to the next post to find out.....
Our natural abilities don't change or leave us, overtime because of the programming of television and our parents and the stories we are fed through books and life, we becoming out of tune with our consciousness (some also call it our natural intuition). How do we get back in touch with ourselves, the self that is connected to the universe, "The One". We must stop, not literally, but figuratively, we must stop listening and start "listening", stop doing and and start "doing".
What does this mean? It means to stop listening to the world and start listening to yourself and your spirit. When something makes you happy, it makes your spirit happy, you know you are on the right path, when something makes you sad, your spirit is sad, and therefore that is the universe's sigh that you are on the wrong path. Emotions are there as a guide for us to listen too. The world today is made to distract you from your emotions and teach you that they should be ignored, when in fact they are meant to be a guide. It guides you away from danger and trouble that may lie ahead and toward where you are suppose to be. Now we also must also follow up with action, in what we do, therefore we need to start doing more of what makes us happy and less of what we are told we are suppose to do in order to achieve happiness. Happiness is a unique experience for each and every individual and can be had by all. The universe wants us to be happy, and to have everything that would allow for us to be so. The world once again is designed to distract us from this and as such the result is a lot of people that are walking around like robots doing what they are hardwired and commanded to do and less "human beings", which are people doing what they are meant to do.
These my friends are the first steps to healing yourself and your life!....
If you didn't know, now you do! We are all born with the natural ability to attain anything that we want with our minds. We are then thought through main stream media and other forms of teaching, that we have to verbally ask for what we want in order to have it granted to us. This is not so, we in fact do not have to utter a word to attain anything in life. The only reason that way of life exists is because some people have made it so for them and others around them.
Now, adults believe it or not can stand to learn a thing or two from babies, they will the world into doing what they need all the time. This is one of the ways in which they are much more intellectually intelligent than adults. The natural universal way of communicating that was originally granted to us human beings is actually with the mind. We were born with the ability.
When a baby wants something you must be saying to yourself, they cry, right- but this is not the only thing that they are doing in order to accomplish what they are asking for or trying to achieve. They also connect with - primarily their parents- in order to communicate more readily what they need. Any parent that has experienced a baby past the 3 month mark will tell you intuitively what they child need with very little if any verbal stimuli required from the child.
So, why does this change? and how do we get back in touch with the power that the universe gave us from birth. Stay tuned to the next post to find out.....
The Law of Attraction
is the basically a fancy way of saying what you think and do, is what you will receive in life. So, for instance if you think positive and happy thought and you practice living a positive and happy life, you will attract amazing thing into you life that should match up to your hearts desires. If your heart desires wealth then that it what you will attract by living life in such a manner.
Now this may sound simple right? But, is it really, many people know of this, but very few actually know the correct way of implementing this into their life and attaining the desired results. Thus, causing them to think that it is all a hoax, but this is real. We actually made this blog to help all those who are struggling to put this way of life into action into their own lives. We are going to go through it all step by step, if at any point you feel like you are not understanding or are having a difficult time still with the implementation of the Law of Attraction into you life, please feel free to ask any questions or even contact us personally and we will be sure to get in touch with you for one on one help.