Saturday, April 4, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Gratitude Day 1

COVID-19 Quarantine Gratitude Day 1

Welcome to a little corner of the internet dedicated to Gratitude. We are currently all at home, worldwide, bored, and most of us are unintentionally practicing the ancient art of being ungrateful...

This is a daily practice we invite everyone to participate in; it's simple. Comment one thing per day under each gratitude post that you are grateful for, this does several things....It causes us to train ourselves to practice the habit of gratitude daily, it gives us a community to do it with, which gives us a healthy place to socialize in the midst of this anti-social pandemic aka COVID-19 and it allows us for a moment a day to take our minds off the terros of the world whether they be personal or pandemic related.

All this being said, here is what we are grateful for:

Our gratitude goes out to the health care workers all around the world, along with everyone that are working in any shape or form to keep society in any way functioning. We are grateful for you all. Thank you. 

Remember comment below what you are grateful for, we will follow each person that comments under our gratitude post as well we will like and share your gratitude post to our profile.
